Hawk Spotlight

Hawk Spotlight

In this article of the Hawk Spotlight we are featuring 5th graders 

Rylee Chaffee and Cadence Cole. 

What started out as a Passion Project and bake sale to help raise money for two local animal rescues, quickly became something bigger. 

Rylee and Cadence were brainstorming ideas to help raise money for two local pet rescues. A bake sale was hard to do, so the girls, with help from their teacher, Mrs. Morse, and principal Mr. Burnell, they decided to do an ice cream sale.

They learned of a fire in the community that affected a schoolmate and the family. They wanted to help and decided that the money they raised from the ice cream sale would go to the family in need. 

A lot of work went into the planning. They needed class lists, supplies, and independence. The girls gave up their recesses to plan. Students needed to pre order so the girls could figure out how much they needed to buy. Fogarty’s Restaurant donated the ice cream needed for the sale. Email blasts went out to the parents and on social media. The donations started coming in. 

The girls were hoping to reach a goal of $300. When the sale was over the girls were thrilled to learn that they had raised over $900!

Thank you to everyone who helped support this fundraiser and a huge THANK YOU to Rylee and Cadence for all of your hard work and dedication to make this happen!